Saturday, December 18, 2010

KOTA BAHARU, Dec 15 (Bernama) -- Shocking, but true. Some teenage drug addicts are offering their girlfriends, including schoolgirls, to drug peddlers for a night of passion, in exchange for ''pil kuda'' (psychotropic pills).
This ''business transaction'' has been cited as a reason for the hike in sexual crimes in Kelantan.
State police deputy chief Senior Assistant Commissioner Mazlan Lazim said investigations revealed that teenagers hooked on ''pil kuda'', offered their girlfriends to drug peddlers for a night of sex.
In return, the teenagers would be given their supply of the pills, he said.
Mazlan said: "Such alarming activity also involved schoolboys aged between 14 and 16, who already had sex with their girlfriends," he told reporters here today.
He said, between January and Dec 12, this year, 296 rape cases were reported to the police, including the ''exchange'' of girlfriends for a supply of ''pil kuda''.
He called on parents to monitor their daughters'' activities to prevent them from getting involved with drug addicts.


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