Friday, December 17, 2010

Singapore’s Raj is the Biggest Loser

A mere one kilogram was the difference between winning and losing.
24-year-old Singaporean, Viveganandam Deveraj (Raj) shed a whopping 67 kilograms to win Season 2 of the popular weight-loss reality show, The Biggest Loser Asia.
The Ngee Ann polytechnic graduate and 3D modeler pipped his closest rival Atikom Laksanapanai (Nai) of Thailand by a mere one kilogram in the show’s dramatic final episode taped in front of a live studio audience at MediaCorp Studios on Tuesday.
In so doing, Raj took home US$100,000 in prize money. Genghis Khan Enrique of the Philippines finished third.
Speaking after his moment of victory, Raj told Yahoo! Singapore he drew motivation to work out even harder after nasty comments criticised his gamesmanship during the 13-episode competition.
And despite beating a total of 15 other contestants on the show to claim the top prize, Raj said this was just the start: keeping the weight off, accumulated from years of bad eating habits, was going to be the real challenge.
“Yes, this is a life-changing experience, but it will not be the defining point in my life,” said a startlingly fitter and trimmer Raj.
“The defining point will be the same time next year, at the end of season 3 of The Biggest Loser Asia, when the highlight will be on me once again. Will I still remain trim and fit, or will I put back all the weight I lost?”
“Winning the prize money is definitely a very big cherry on top of this life-changing experience, but it’s not about who wins the Biggest Loser Asia 2 — it’s about taking control of your life. In this case, every other contestant’s a winner as well,” the avid gamer added.
In the showdown finale, Raj weighed in at a trim 77 kilos – a massive 67kg drop from his original 144kg when he started the competition.
Needing to lose at least 64 kilograms to beat Raj’s weight loss percentage, the popular Nai of Thailand could only manage a 63 kilogram loss at the final weigh-in, thereby handing the title to Raj.
“At that moment, I already made peace with myself and if I had lost to Nai, it would mean that he deserved it more than me,” said Raj.
Third-placed contestant, Filipino  Internet cafe owner Enrique, hopes that his experience on the show will inspire others to adopt a healthier lifestyle.
“I have so many excuses not to exercise. I have diabetes, hypertension, heart problems, back problems and knee problems. I’m a ticking time bomb. But look at me now, I have all the excuses in the world not to take this step, so if I can do it, so can anybody else,” said the man, who himself lost 53 kilos throughout the entire show.
So what does Raj intend to do with his winner’s cheque of US$100,000?
“I want to use some of the money to set up a charity, to help people like me who need help in turning their lives around.”

My View

Raj have come a long way from who he use to be. He put in a lot of effort to lose those extra pounds. I am sure it was not easy but it is not impossible either. He must have gone through a lot to be the size he is now. He has proved that staying healthy is a choice you make and not something that is not possible to achieve. I admire him for his will power to come this far. It must have boost his confidence tremendously. I am sure he will be an inspiration to all those people who want to lose those extra pounds. Staying healthy is the most valuable asset we can have. There is no point if you are the richest person on earth and your bedridden will ill health you cannot enjoy the finer things in life without good health. We should also eat healthy, exercise and lead a happy life in order to lead a healthy and fulfilling life. Good health not only will make us confident but we can contribute back to the society more if we are in good health. Most Singaporeans are health conscious but they are also people who are obese and lead a sedentary lifestyle. Everyone should realise how important is a fit body and good health.

Banu Priya Bathumalai 104515L

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