Wednesday, December 22, 2010

She once left the country to look for a better life in a foreign land. The 37-year-old former domestic helper, Jourgina Dagoplo, found what she was searching for right at home.
She worked as a maid in Singapore for 13 years, but with her employer's help, she managed to obtain an ITE (Institute of Technical Education) skills certificate.
Eighteen years after leaving the Philippines to work in Singapore, Dagoplo is back in her homeland to finish studies in information technology-her long-time dream to earn an education that she says is worth much more than overseas money.
"I realized that it's hard to live without an education. It is an investment in yourself and something that nobody can take away from you," Dagoplo told the Inquirer in Filipino.
"No matter how much money you earn, that will be gone. But education, your knowledge, it belongs to you until you die," she said.
"My employers were very, very kind. If I couldn't do my work because of school, Ate would do it so I could go to school," Dagoplo said, adding she had grown very close to her employers' family.
She landed a job at IBM when the firm's bosses learned about her story from the Straits Times. She was hired by IBM as a technician earning $1,050 a month - double what she got as a maid. And even when she could no longer work as a house help for her employers, she was welcome to stay at their home as a guest.
Despite the setback, Dagoplo is determined to finish what she has started.
"The reason I'm studying now is not because I want to go back to Singapore. If I get an opportunity here, why not grab it?" she said.

My Views
Singapore is a good place to nurture but not everyone will be able to excel. Dream comes true through diligence. I believe that her employers are not only kind but understanding and always in full support to ensure that their maid could achieve better. At the same time, the maid herself knows to treasure every opportunity that arises and given. I think this is a very important story that must be told and heard by everyone, especially those students who like to play truant and discontinue schooling just simply because they do not like to study. They should be grateful that they have the chance to earn an education.

KOAY YI JING - 105421G

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