Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Booklet printed in all 4 languages is such a waste of paper

STOMPer save the earth does not think it prudent to print this Emergency Guide booklet in all four major languages. He suggests distributing the English version to all households while making the copy in other languages available at the community centres.

Said the STOMPer:

"Every household would have received the Emergency Guide by MOH and the Health Promotion Board.

"While I agree that Singapore is a multi-racial society that supports 4 major languages, is there a need to waste an extra 20 pages on other languages in a booklet that is given to every household?

"My household is only interested in the English version which only made up 5 pages.

"Is it really necessary to print such a thick booklet for every household when most of the 20 pages will be useless to them?

"Multiply 20 by the total number of households in Singapore -- that is how much paper and printing costs have been wasted.

"The amount wasted could have been used to provide subsidies to the needy instead.

"Besides wasting taxpayers' money, it is also a waste of paper.

"The first of the '3R's is Reduce.

"Can you imagine how much paper has been wasted?

"A suggestion: Just distribute the English version to every household, but make the copy in other languages available the community centre.

"The amount saved would be substantial."

I feel that this stomper having a wrong mindset. There is this need to send all 4 copies in different languages to all households. Who knows if that particular household out there only knows one language? Or what if its only one elderly living in that flat who only understands chinese? In this world these days we tend to focus too much on money. Although printing less will save the earth and also save a huge sum of money, but we have to remember the fact that, as long as one person get's saved by reading this information booklet regardless of the language, all the money spent is worth it. A life is priceless.

Yu Ming

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