Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Nassim Rd house is one of Asia's 5 most expensive homes
STOMPer propertyagent was stunned to learn just how much a house can cost you in Asia -- take a look at Asia's most costly residences.

The STOMPer described:

"The most expensive house in Singapore is worth US$120 million.

"It is none other than the Arwaa Mansion at 48 Nassim Road, which is purportedly owned by the younger brother of Sultan of Brunei, Prince Jefri Bolkiah.

"The other unbelievably expensive houses in Asia are in India, Shanghai, China and Hong Kong.

"All of them range from tens of millions to billions of dollars.

"And I thought HDB prices were high..."

I feel that there is no point having such a luxury house when you can simply stay in a HDB flat. In life, one just have to be contended with what they have. A simple four room HDB flat should be enough for most families, if couples want a modernistic look or feel in their homes, all they need is some interior designing. I have once seen a video on facebook, a guy living in hong kong with a flat of only 400 square feet, is able to make his house look so spacey and big with 26 different sliding compartments and mirrors as his ceiling. And from the video it can be seen that he is very happy with his house.

Yu Ming

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