Saturday, November 20, 2010

Nicholas Chan, 101249L
I find that the slashing incident at downtown east has made known to all Singaporeans that we have to be on our guard against gangsterism. As gangsterism is on the rise, many innocent parties will get harmed. People who hang out late at night are not necessarily up to no good. But they might be just having a small gathering. Recently, my group of friends, we were out under a HDB block then police came to use and take down our IC number. As we were just talking and not making so much noise, they police told us that we should go home as the night is very dangerous. But we didn't care so much about it at all. But after the case of the death of Darren Ng, the police will take suspected people to the cantonment unit for questioning. But from my point of view, even though the police has stepped up on the security, but I think that it is totally useless. Gangs are everywhere. They are able to move around so quickly and this allows the police to take lots of time to track  them down. Therefore, I think that what the police should do, is to bring the SSB unit to talk to the gang leaders. After a week or 2, there is a case of a stabbing incident in ang mo kio. Although they say that it does not concern anything of gangsterism, but I think it does, because who will bring a knife with them when they go out. It can never be of such coincidence. I think that the case still has some leads to the downtown east incident.

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