Monday, November 22, 2010

Student snaps photo of 'O' Level paper and posts it on Twitter

A student from Outram Secondary School posted a photo of his 'O' Level Social Studies exam papers along with the tweet, "Do you dare bring phone into examination hall and take a picture?" Xavier Ong's brazen act may be illegal, but the teen says he loves the attention and does not intend to remove the photos. Some called it a 'brave' but foolish act, but to others it was a self-seeking cry for attention. He received much attention from local and global Twitter users after he posted the picture. But now, he regrets his actions. He felt like a criminal who was being interrogated during a meeting with the Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board (SEAB) yesterday regarding his Twitter post.

My views
I think this is what social media is doing to humans these days. A mixup between the real & cyber world! Many people think that it is harmless to post anything online, they do not know the consequences that may arise. Like in Xavier's case, he didn't know that the post might have given viewers the lack of seriousness in the exam procedures for the 'O' Level examinations and he will be interrogated like a criminal. In my opinion, students should be taught to understand new media and the real risks that it poses. They also should be taught the effective decision-making strategies to assist in deciding what is the right action.
Koay Yi Jing-105421G

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