Wednesday, November 24, 2010

MOE revokes scholarship of student found with child pornography

In a statement, a spokesman said the Ministry will also tighten its processes so that schools must provide information on specific behavioural problems which may affect their selection as teachers.
Wong was awarded an overseas teaching scholarship in 2006.
As part of the selection process, the spokesman said the ministry reviewed his academic and CCA records, as well as testimonials from the Chinese High School and Hwa Chong Institution which he attended.
The spokesman said the teachers did not include in his testimonials the fact that he was publicly caned as a student in 2002 for peeping in a lady's toilet as they thought that he had overcome this errant behaviour after professional help.
The Ministry said it expects their teaching scholars to conduct themselves in a manner that upholds the standards of the teaching profession, and will take the necessary actions against those who have behaved inappropriately.
Wong, a third -- year history undergraduate, was caught with 50 videos of child pornography on his computer hard disk after the police raided his room in March.
Of the films, 25 were rated as Four on the Copine scale, which is used to decide the severity of child pornography.
The top two categories, levels four and five, are used for hardcore pornography.
Wong, who is out on bail, will be sentenced by the York Crown Court on December 13 and faces imprisonment.

I'm glad that the ministry had taken such a measure, to withdraw his scholarship. He should not have been awarded the scholarship in the first place due to his past offence of having caned in public for peeping at girls in the toilet at the age of 15. After securing the scholarship, he is still not repentant and continue his wrong doings. The ministry have also done another right move to check all applicant's background in future for any signs of behaviour problems before offering the scholarship to them.

Yu Ming

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